The mood was set right outside the Cowboys home in Arlington. Giants came... Giants saw...Giants conquered ...AGAIN! Eli is 2-0 in the cowboys new home I refer to as the Tarrant County Colosseum. Eli now owns property in Tarrant County, TX. I wonder if he marked his territory a second time?

I also found out Big Blue DFW has hits from all over the World. The WORRRLD! Are they Giants fans? Are they lost? Or are they reading our blog every week like Peter?
Who knows, but I have to say Cheers... Gezondheid... Proost... to the curious readers from Netherlands. We get weekly hits from the Netherlands! Here are the top countries that have viewed
United States- 2,890
Netherlands- 218
Russia- 79
Luxembourg- 62
Germany- 61
Canada- 47
Madagascar- 2... "All Hail The New York Giants!"
None from Wales... However, I was sent an email from someone in Wales and they wrote all of my friends the following message from me:
I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,my family and I came down here to Wales.United Kingdom for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed,all cash,credit card and cell were stolen off us but luckily for us we still have our passports with us.
We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves in less than hours from now but having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills,
I'm freaked out at the moment.
No, I was never in Wales... I was spammed, infiltrated, the victim of sabotage... However, here are some real life responses to the email that were forwarded to me from my friends, family and fellow Big Blue DFW members:
"I hope you rot in Europe. You should pay me to take you back."
"Is Mac In Wales?"
"How much do you need? Where do I send the money?"
"Go Big Blue!"
"Bizarre. Didn't sound like Mac but it was just weird enough with the Mac's Irish heritage twist that he MIGHT be over in that general area. It was a stretch but I had to ask."
"Have fun on your trip"
"Have fun on your trip"
"Just so you know, I would totally send you $5 to assist (but I'd deduct the postage cost first)."
"Take pictures, I love Great Britain this time of year"
"You're Fucked! Love, Dad"
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