Don't worry everyone, I won't mess around with the jinx Gods this week.... I can't believe that game was so damn sloppy... Is it my fault cause I'd already put it in the bag?..... lets examine.... Why is it all east coast sports fans give this particular deity so my praise?.... Isn't a God supposed to reward worship with everlasting bliss? I mean... paradise, reincarnation, all kinds of virgins; these are the usual rewards for worship. But in this case, Heywood(that's what I'll call him) rewards me with extended stays in the restroom(in case something good happens while you're in there), or watching the game standing next to the same guy, or eating the same thing or high fives till your hands turn purple... strike last... the high fives are fun... Also Heywood punishes us for any displays of bravado before the game's over (see philly game last year). So what does Heywood demand for a W? He demands that we don't walk around all chest out hurling victorious predictions at the innocent passerby, cause if we do he'll punish us real good.( see the dallas cowboy fans for the last 15 yrs) So as for the the week ahead I'll just say we need to play better on D, get the running game going early, and maybe... just maybe; Heywood willing, BIGBLUE will leave with a W........ And that's Heywood Jablome.... if any of you want to get all into the prayers.....
GO GIANTS!!!..... peace Jmall
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