Monday, April 2, 2012

Verify License Plate Guy

If you're on twitter and follow anything New York Giants - then you're familiar with Joe Ruback. Oh - you don't know his real name? Then maybe you know him better as "License Plate Guy" or @licenseplateguy

Ask any Giants fan and they'll tell you about License Plate Guy.

Here's a guy that's been to every home and away game for the past 10 years. He's the fan face of the franchise as you will often see him on television or a Super Bowl DVD (or two).

My question is: How is he not verified on twitter?

Seriously. He has a personal relationship with many of the players. All New York Giants fans know about him and he was recently interviewed by the Daily News.

And BTW - After meeting him at our BigBlueDFW tailgate last December - he might be one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet.

So please join BigBlueDFW as we attempt to "Verify License Plate Guy."

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