Monday, October 18, 2010

Peter's Text and Lesson Learned

I understand this has nothing to do with this weeks game. However, as I am sitting with my clients early Friday evening, I learned a valuable lesson. Maybe I shouldn't use my iphone calculator to show price. Even though its numbers are perfect for someone of any age to see with ease.

Understand this... I live in Texas and work with many people over the age of 65. They tend to be die hard Texas sport fans and not too happy with profanity of any kind. I am always respectful of those two simple rules. If you want to make a sale... don't have friends like Peter.

As I am showing the clients my iphone calculator, I hear a text alert<"Bing">.

My client says,"Ahh son... something is blocking the number..." Very polite way to tell me because the numbers are still quite clear. I look and see:

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