Monday, April 25, 2011

I need an OT

It is the Monday of my discontent... Fucking Knicks kicked me in the ball bag with the sweep... but this is about BIG BLUE... As you all know, the draft is coming up Thursday and BIG BLUE will most def T.C.B. it shit (take care of business) after all the mock drafts and the bla bla nonsense... most of the "experts have BIG BLUE drafting Castono out of B.C. Here's the deal... every year we're all covetous of some player and every year Big Blue goes in a completely different direction from what I thought and every year that pick works out fine... except for that cocksmoker Ross who by the way is the second best athlete in his house (sorry Bobby).. So I've got a dilemma; should I; A. stay true to form and scream cock(fill in the blank) when my choice isn't picked and then wait till a stud is born. Or; B. trust in the system that cranks out quality player after quality player?... I think A.... gots to go with what you know I think... I mean how much fun would the draft be if we... the faithful didn't have an opinion? So on Thursday I cast my ballot for Nate Solder while I'm making the main event my bitch....

1 comment:

Bob said...

How dare you, sir! Just because you said that - here comes Aaron Williams, Curtis Brown, Chykie Brown or Sam Acho.