Sunday, July 14, 2013

Payday....and We're Not Talking About Candy Bars

Congratulations goes out to Victor Cruz. He is the most recent NY Giants player to receive a hefty raise in a paycheck department. Credit to him because it was earned, unlike previous players who want a pay raise to keep them in line with the other best played players (hey Osi, what's up).

Dan Graziano, with posted this article (click here) on who will be the next tough cap call for the Giants. I find this interesting because I've been saying some of the same things. With regards to wide receiver, if the Giants hope to keep Hakeem Nicks after this season, it's going to require another big payday. The reality is one of two things will happen this year with Hakeem Nicks. If he's healthy and has a monster season, the Giants will take a shot at trying to keep him, but probably won't have enough to pay him what he's worth. If he's not healthy, maybe we'll see a return with a discounted price tag. In my opinion, I don't see it happening. He's a potential superstar who is going to be one of the most sought after free agents if he has a good season. I can't see a way the Giants can free up enough cash to make this happen without spending less in other areas. 

If that's the case, where do you sacrifice? I think I speak for most Giants fans when I say we don't want to see the defense get touched. "Make it better" we all scream. But the Giants won a Super Bowl in 2011 with a defense that was 27th overall in the league and a rushing attack that was ranked 31st. Are the days of defense wins championships behind us? Has ground and pound passed us by? I hope not. It's what I love about Giants football. 

Then who gets the next big payday? Hakeem Nicks? Jason Pierre Paul (the year after)? Some outside free agent? Stevie Brown, if he has another big year? Brandon Myers, if he lives up the hype? 

Yeah, yeah, I know. Let's enjoy the upcoming season and worry about the end of next season at the end of next season. I figured I'd share some off season Sunday thoughts and get the website postings moving again. We're only 55 days till the 2014 season of NY Giants football and BigBlueDFW watch parties. We're almost there. 


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